Saturday, April 22, 2023

ZBA Approves Variances for New Residential Development at Former Site of Happy Wash

After a marathon virtual meeting that started Friday morning and ended in the wee hours Saturday morning, the Zoning Board of Appeals gave its approval to several variances requested by the developer of a new residential building at 4553 North Dover (southeast corner of Wilson and Dover). Currently, the site contains a parking lot and vintage building that housed Happy Wash laundromat for many years.

The new building will have interior ground-floor parking for 25 vehicles, and a total of 28 residential units on floors 2 through 5. Because it will be built to right (no zoning change required), the city's Affordable Requirements Ordinance will not be triggered, and all units will be market rate. (The ARO goes into effect if the city grants a zoning change or the developer requests municipal financial assistance.)

You can see the plans and renderings, revised last month, on the 46th Ward website.

1 comment:

  1. Nice. Can someone update me on the new Alderman Clay's PPE fraud case? Is she paying it off; is the government going to sue her? Update please.
