Friday, April 7, 2023

Clark Street Bank Robbed Thursday; FBI Seeks Help Identifying Suspect (Updated!)

The Chase Bank at 5134 North Clark (at Winona) was robbed Thursday afternoon around 2pm. The robbery suspect is pictured above. No weapon was implied or displayed; no one was injured. A note demanding money was given to a teller.

The suspect is described as 5'6" to 5'7" inches tall, white, with a thin build. He or she is estimated to be in his/her 20s, and was wearing black sunglasses, a black beanie, a red flannel sweatshirt, with short brown hair but may have had long hair tucked into hat.

The FBI is investigating and welcomes tips to help them apprehend this person. If you can help, you can report tips (even anonymously) at 312-421-6700 and

UPDATE: Turns out an Instagram buddy of suspect Dylan Pedersen, age 22, turned him in and asked about the reward. Read about it in CWB Chicago.


  1. Looks female to me. Bushy eyebrows, Likes plaid. Not a Catholic nun.

    If the feds offer me enough money I'll hang out at Big Chicks and ID her.

    I'll need a bi or lesbian female partner to pull off this undercover operation though. Say 5'10", Late thirtyish. Looks like a taller Gina Gershon. Local sports team cap. Maybe a half way to St. Patrick's day White Sox Jersey.

    Few prison tats on her hands. Could be temporary tats.

    I'll have this solved by Sunday.

  2. Uh.....yeah, Sherlock. I'm SURE you will. Go get em Mr. Irish.

    1. Lighten up Francis. Feds turned down my offer. They did however put me on the trail of the remaining followers of Lyndon Larouche.

    2. Francis? Irish..... surely YOU jest.
