Everyone, including people giving out candy, must wear a face covering.
For those homes giving out candy, leave a light on or put a sign up in your window indicating that your home is participating in safe trick-or-treating.
Maintain social distancing and have hand sanitizer available.
Keep it moving — don’t congregate in front of one stoop or on the sidewalk.
Only eat candy after thorough hand washing after returning home.
No haunted houses, due to their potential germ-spreading.
Keep trick-or-treating crews small, specifically six people or fewer. Sticking to members of your household or quarantine “bubble” is recommended.
No house parties.
Buena Park Neighbors will be onsite on Saturday, October 31st from 5-8pm on Kenmore (between Irving Park and Montrose) to help maintain one-way traffic and encourage masks for all Trick-or-Treaters. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete this form and return by Friday, October 23rd.
We will also still hold our annual Halloween Decorating Contest and will award a prize to the Best Decorated House on Kenmore!
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