Monday, July 13, 2020

Building Demolition on Argyle For Next Two Weeks

Starting Tuesday, July 14th, and running through Friday, July 24th, CTA will be demolishing the building at 1124 West Argyle, as part of the Red/Purple Line renovations.

Work will run 7am to 5pm daily, and will impact Argyle and the alley behind 5001-5069 Broadway.

According to CTA, local impact will be felt in these ways:
  • The alley behind 5001-5069 N. Broadway will be closed (24/7) for the duration of the work activity.
  • The sidewalk on the north side of W. Argyle Street will be closed within the work zone and a walkway will be established for pedestrian access. 
  • The parking lane on the north side of W. Argyle Street will be closed within the work zone.
  • The contractor will maintain garbage pickup.
  • The contractor will implement the necessary dust mitigation procedures.
  • There will be noise while work is being performed, including:
  • General demolition noise
  • Running air compressors, excavators, and generators
  • Use of pneumatic and gas/impact tools
  • Truck traffic
  • Beeping from backup alarms on maintenance equipment and vehicles
  • Materials disposal


  1. A few more of those buildings on Arglye should be demolished.

  2. Did they redo that building a few years ago?

  3. Isn’t that building fairly new?

  4. I had no idea they were demolishing this building as well. Sad, but probably necessary.

  5. Tax dollars at work another new station to replace the recent new station!
