Thursday, October 31, 2019

Community Meeting About Selling Weiss Hospital

From Ald. Cappleman's latest newsletter:

"Pipeline Health, LLC is currently negotiating to purchase Weiss Memorial Hospital. Pipeline has expressed plans with continuing the hospital operations, along with selling the surface parking lot located just directly south of the hospital to assist with needed upgrades.

However, State Rep. Sara Feigenholtz, Majority Leader Greg Harris, and I are inviting the community to a meeting with Pipeline to hear more about this proposed sale because we have concerns that the end result of this purchase could result in the hospital's closure. 

Pipeline did a similar transaction with Westlake Hospital in Melrose Park and two weeks later, Pipeline announced the hospital was closing. The purpose of this community meeting is to demand transparency in this sale and make sure that Pipeline clearly understands the critical importance of Weiss Hospital to our community.

This Monday's Open Office hours will not occur so that we can all be present at this meeting.

The meeting will be:
  • Monday, Nov. 4 from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
  • Weiss Memorial Hospital, Lower Level Auditorium, 4646 N. Marine Drive"


  1. Pipeline already bought Weiss from Tenet, along with two other hospitals. It attempted to close Westlake Hospital in Melrose Park. Westlake's continued battle to stay open is fraught with litigation, including the hospital filing for bankruptcy. Governor Pritzker passed an Illinois state bill to protect medical care facilities closures.

  2. Hate to rain on the RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE, but Pipeline ALREADY owns Weiss, at least they think so.
    Tribune agrees - Tenet sold all three:
