Monday, July 16, 2018

Strip Mall Preservation

The current vacant strip mall at 4600 N. Magnolia
Disappointing (or joyous) news depending which side of "strip mall preservation" you are on.

According to Ald. Cappleman's ward development page, the owner of the mostly vacant strip mall at 4600 N. Magnolia that was slated for a five-story transit oriented development, and was given approval by the local block club, is not moving forward.

The owner has changed his mind about selling the strip mall to David Gassman, who was planning to develop it, and it will remain as is.

Word on the street is a veterinary clinic is looking at the former Starbucks space directly on the corner.


  1. Pokeology stays! It's a good day!

  2. The owners of Pokiology had stated at another meeting that they were planning to move back to California. Not sure if those plans had changed.

  3. There is nothing about this strip mall that merits preservation. The neighborhood needs the 28 apartments, and the people who would live in them, far more than this half-empty strip.

    And I frequent Pokiology.
