Monday, October 16, 2017

What's Missing From This Picture?

A drive down Clark Street this weekend and something was missing... What could it be, what could it be? That's it, construction! The task of replacing more than 4200 feet of water main that dated back to 1889 -- when Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison were President! -- is apparently finished, and new asphalt and road markings are in place.

The project improved Clark between Montrose and Lawrence; Sunnyside between Clark and Ashland; and Wilson between Clark and Ashland.


  1. Are they going to resurface Wilson at all? They did resurface Clark and Sunnyside, but left Wilson in pretty bad shape. If we get any snow this winter, it's going to be pothole city!

    1. Good question. We have an email in to Ald. Pawar's staff and will let you know when we get an answer.

    2. Yes! It will be part of a complete resurfacing of Wilson next year, but please contact Ald. Pawar's office if there are areas that need help before then.

    3. I saw the post about it last night. Thank you for looking into it. Keep up the good work!
