Friday, October 20, 2017

Positive Loitering At Wilson/Broadway Tonight 6PM - 7PM

Positive Loitering is back for its ninth year in Uptown. Residents and police gather in "hot spots" for an hour a week to send a message that the streets belong to law-abiding residents. For more about positive loitering and what it is, check out this article, and this one.

via Uptown Chicago Commission:

"Positive Loitering will take place this evening between 6PM and 7PM. Our location is the corner of Wilson and Broadway (northeast corner) near City Sports.

Stop by for a few minutes or stay for the full hour. Bring a friend, bring a new neighbor, stop by on a dog walk, just come out! We have dog treats for your furry friends.

As always, the 19th District Police are aware of our presence and encourage participation."


  1. How about meeting in front of the bangers using Snack 4 Less on Wilson as their front? Why is that dump allowed to stay open? Bangers blatantly threatening folks and selling drugs in the open air there.

    1. Even better, how about cleaning up the neighborhood and then we wouldn't need any positive loitering, after all there isn't any of these activities in Andersonville, Lincoln Square or Ravenswood---right!
