Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Summer Food Programs For Children Ages 1-18

Chicago Public Schools serve meals to students during the school year because the vast majority of CPS kids come from low-income homes (in school year 2016-17, 80.22% of students citywide were classified as "economically disadvantaged").

No one wants kids to go hungry, so there is a summer program that serves free nutritious breakfasts and lunches to children up to 18 years old, whether or not they are CPS students. The Summer Food Service Program serves meals inside schools, and LunchStop provides them outdoors. The programs run Monday to Friday. Individual schools offer meals during varying time spans, depending on summer classes. The program goes through August 25th, although not at all locations.

The schools in and around Uptown that are participating in the program are listed below.

For more information, call the Illinois Hunger Hotline at (800) 359-2163 or text FOODIL to 877877.

The funding for the program comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
  • Disney School, 4140 N Marine
    Breakfast: 8-8:30am; Lunch: noon-12:45pm
    Dates: June 26 - August 25
  • Greeley School, 832 W Sheridan
    Breakfast: 8:30-9:15am; Lunch: 11:55am-12:30pm
    Dates: June 26 - July 27
  • McCutcheon School, 4865 N Sheridan
    Breakfast: 7:45-8:15am; Lunch: 11am-noon
    Dates: July 5 - August 10
  • Lake View High School, 4015 N Ashland
    Breakfast 8-8:30am; Lunch: 11-11:30am
    Dates: June 26 - August 4
  • Ravenswood School, 4332 N Paulina
    Breakfast: 8:30-9am; Lunch noon-12:30pm
    Dates: June 26 - August 18
  • Uplift High School, 900 W Wilson
    Lunch: 10:30am-12:30pm
    Dates: June 26 - August 25

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