Saturday, May 13, 2017

BPN Green Living Fair/Gardening Workday Is Huge Success

Thank you to the dozens of Buena Park residents who showed up this morning at Buena and Marine to plant native flowers and other plants that provide food for wild pollinators and to clean up the Peace Garden on the east side of the tunnel.

The event also featured information and resources on how to live green in Buena Park, including demonstrations on how to tune up your bike for summer; best methods for planting a window box; how to start seeds at home; do-it-yourself crafts; and more. Chicago Market and other neighborhood organizations also joined to share information about their activities.

For more photos of the events, click here. (Click pictures for larger versions.)


  1. Thank you, Kate, for taking and posting these wonderful photos. Makes me encouraged about living in this neck of the woods.

    1. I wish I could take credit for the photos, but that belongs to BPN. It looks fabulous over there!
