Friday, September 23, 2016

"Reza's House" On Winona Demolished

We're sorry to see that the century-old mansion at 1468-1472 West Winona has been demolished. Usually known as the "Reza's house" (since it was previously owned by the family of Reza Toulabi, the restaurateur), it sold last May.

Neighbors and Preservation Chicago were working with the 47th Ward office to try to save this 6-bedroom, 4800sf home, but according to this photo that reader SW sent in today, their efforts were in vain. It was orange-rated by the city, which meant that it "possessed some architectural feature or historical association that made it potentially significant in the context of the surrounding community."

The real estate listing mentions that it was in need of a complete rehab, but the photos in the real estate listing are spectacular. Check them out here.

According to the WFCW Block Club's Facebook page, "Jeff Parise who has the contract on the building shared that his plan is to demolish the buildings which he says are in poor condition and build a new 3.5 story 9-unit condo building with 9 parking spaces."


  1. Thats so sad that house was torn down.Chicago sucks at preserving there past.

  2. I happened to be walking by this morning and saw it going on. I hope that something of similar stature will replace it.

  3. I wish you could could post what the place looked like before the demo.

    1. It was behind a stone wall, pretty illegal for us to photograph. If you want to see photos, click the link to the real estate listing in the post.

  4. Chicago designates tons of buildings and then provides no funding to rehab them or find new uses for them. If this community wants to preserve something, start with the Uptown Theatre. It has been vacant for over 30 years and there is no time in the foreseeable future that it will have a useful purpose.
