Those folks at the Peterson Garden Project must be psychic. Two weekends ago, they held a "Cool Crops Sale" on one of the briskest weekends in memory. This weekend they're holding their "Warm Crops Sale" in very balmy weather.
It's all happening at 5035 North Broadway, between the Aon parking garage and Sun Wah Restaurant. Hours are noon to 4pm today, and 10am-4pm Saturday and Sunday.
There will be baked goods for sale, as well as plants grown specifically for this sale, a "soil salon," and master gardeners to advise you.
"For the May sale, we’re turning our attention to hot weather plants – peppers, eggplant, tomatoes and more. This year we’re excited to offer special open pollinated Dwarf Tomatoes grown exclusively for Peterson Garden Project. These Dwarf Tomato plants are perfect for small gardens! We’re also introducing edible flowers to the lineup this year. In addition to seeds and seedlings, the May sale will also include a bake sale and expanded soil salon with compost, vermicompost, organic water-soluble and granular fertilizers, and items for extending the season and protecting tender plants from frost."
For a complete list of what seeds, plants and seedlings are available, click here.
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