Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Drywall Going In At Lawrence/Broadway "Soft Lofts"

Today drywall is being delivered to the under-construction second- and third-floor residential spaces above Bank of America at Lawrence and Broadway. You may recall that Lakepointe Properties bought the building last year and have been rehabbing the empty spaces above into "soft lofts."

They are also responsible for the renovation of the apartments at Leland and Broadway (above 42 grams and Spoil Me Salon), and are currently renovating 4635 Broadway as well.

A little blast from the past -- the Lawrence/Broadway building when it was new...

1924 photo courtesy of Theatre Historical Society of America
... and the same building's atrocious appearance that lasted from the 1960s until its wonderful renovation began in 2007.
Photo credit to Keith Brown on Flickr

1 comment:

  1. This is the best use possible for this building.

    Now, let's hope that the ownership of the old Border's space converts it to loft apartments or condos. Every time I pass that beautiful building, I think what a great place to live the corner space with the huge Palladian window would make, and how I wish I could afford to buy it and build it out into a duplex loft. This space will most likely never again be occupied by a retail concern above the ground floor, but would make wonderful housing.
