Friday, March 27, 2015

TV Pilot Shooting Next Week Near Entertainment District

Thanks to a sharp-eyed reader who spotted this sign with parking restrictions for the area around Uptown Square.  Looks like they will need to use the parking spaces on various streets, but the street closure itself will be on the 4600 block of Racine.

Twentieth Century Fox is currently filming two pilots in Chicago, so we don't know which this is.  Could be Runner, starring Adam Rodriguez and Paula Patton.  Could be Love Is A Four Letter Word, starring Nadine Velazquez and Rockmond Dunbar.  Guess we'll find out on Monday.

If you can't see the image above, here are the restrictions cited:
  • Broadway from Racine to Leland, West Side only
    (no parking Monday, March 30, 7am until Wednesday, April 1, 5pm)
  • Broadway from Leland to Clifton, East Side only
    (no parking Monday, March 30, 6pm until Wednesday, April 1, 1am)
  • Leland from Racine to Broadway, both sides of the street
    (no parking Monday, March 30, 6pm until Wednesday, April 1, 1am)
  • Racine from Wilson to Broadway, both sides of the street
    (no parking Monday, March 30, 6pm until Wednesday, April 1, 1am)
  • Racine from Wilson to Leland
    (street closed Tuesday, March 31 from 6pm to 11:59pm)


  1. Unfortunately not so great if you park on Wilson (like myself) and have to scramble to find a parking space (somewhere) so as to not get ticketed and towed. It pisses me off that this is now becoming a reoccurring theme, or should say annoyance. I think there should be a moratorium on all these production companies (3x in the past couple of months) flooding our streets with their big vans and taking up precious street parking while inconveniencing the tax payers that are paying for all of this. It doesn't help either that they forget to take their towing signs down. Personally I'm sick of it!

  2. good about time uptown sees something going on usually all action downtown
