Ald. Cappleman, Katharine Boyda with Clarendon Park Advisory Council, and Ward Miller, Preservation Chicago |
Yesterday, Preservation Chicago named Clarendon Park Community Center as one of seven historically significant buildings in Chicago that should be preserved. Completed in 1916, it was situated on the shores of Lake Michigan and it could accommodate as many as 9,000 swimmers.
Preservation Chicago's designation for this building will help me garner more interest to get the needed funding to rehab this beautiful building in a way that protects its architectural integrity. I would like to see the entrance moved to the original site and have the two front towers restored as seen in the old photo of this building. (above)
We still have much to do to make the restoration of this beautiful building happen, but we are now one step closer to seeing this magnificent structure get rehabbed.
In the meantime, the Park District will be releasing some needed funds for roof repairs in order to keep this building water tight during intense rain storms. Still, it just got a little sunnier for the Clarendon Park Community Center.
personally I think it should be held off due to the disturbing threats by the so-called vice lords who claim to ruin clarendon. these clowns have been on facebook not only bragging about molesting children but killing their fathers to gain access to innocent children. these filthy thugs must be stopped they are worse than isis