Friday, March 20, 2015

Addressing Homelessness Under The Viaducts

From Ald. Cappleman's latest email blast:

"Ald. Cappleman asked the City to step up its efforts to find housing for people living under the Wilson & Lawrence viaducts along Lake Shore Drive. In response, Thresholds was awarded a grant specifically to reach vulnerable populations and they are beginning this program at these two viaducts. Thresholds was chosen because they are well known for successfully getting people stuck in the cycle of chronic homelessness into permanent housing. Other involved social services will be encouraged to coordinate and collaborate with Thresholds to facilitate this intervention that is focused on stronger outcome measures."


  1. Also this is worthy of our attention as uptown residents:

  2. Jon Venson. Your link was from two years ago, but nice try. Also, good for them. Those bridges are not public campgrounds. I for one am glad Cappleman has the balls to kick these jamokes out of there. They should also disallow any sort of camping in the parks. As I have stated on past posts, Uptown already has our fair share of miscreants. We have the gangs, we have the mentally ill, and we have the homeless by the boatload. This overflow should spill to other Wards. It's not only our problem.

  3. Someone please address the homeless also living under Foster. There is a tent and a bunch of items blocking one side of the street under the viaduct. There used to be a tent or 2 on both sides. Foster is a new location. I see an SUV sometimes that stops by the tent but I never stare to see what is happening. Its strange to me.

    1. Arsene, I believe that Foster is in Alderman Harry Osterman's ward. You can find a link to his office website in the sidebar on the right (just scroll down), and let him know.

  4. Many of these vagrants also help fuel the massive drug market in Uptown. A crackdown on these types would help the crime problem considerably. The police should take their tents and camping equipment like they do in other cities.
