Friday, January 10, 2014

Demolition Derby

Many readers noticed that the demolition of the long-empty laundromat just north of Big Chicks/Tweet started on Thursday.  This is the property (5026-5030 N Sheridan) that was recently down-zoned by Ald. Osterman in order for it to become uniform with the zoning of surrounding buildings.

What's going in there?  That's a really good question.  We've emailed Ald. Osterman's office to see if they have any information.  If we hear anything, we'll be sure to post it.

Update:  Ald. Osterman's staff responded to say that they are getting information from the Department of Buildings about the demolition and hope to meet with the owners soon about the future of the lot.  When/if we hear anything more, we'll post it.


  1. Did some research and found out that the property is represented by Lattas Law Group and it looks as though the proposal is either condo or apartments of 52 units with potentially retail on the street level.

    1. Forgot the link:

  2. I believe that there's a meeting later this month to approve the down-zoning request. I'd assume that we should receive some news there. I'm hopeful that there's an actual plan in place to develop that parcel and find tenants. Margate Park hardly needs more empty, dilapidated storefronts.

  3. Judging by the X sign on the side, I don't think anything is necessarily planned right now. The city put those signs up on vacant, dilapidated buildings to tell emergency responders not to enter because of structural issues. Many, if not most of those buildings have been demolished, I'm sure at a hefty sum to the city. The building just south of Irving on Ashland, a small storefront at 1109 W. Granville, and this one are all examples of X'ed buildings that have been demolished with nothing replacing them...yet.

  4. It will be a storage facility (wow, that's a poor use of the space!):
