Saturday, December 14, 2013

Santa Rides The Red Line Next Week

The CTA's Santa Train is coming our way Tuesday through Saturday. No schedules are set yet (we'll try to remember to update them when the CTA website does), but it does say, "The train generally operates from about 1pm to 8pm on weekends and 3pm to 7pm on select weekdays."

Here are the days and routes:
    Red Line 12/17 - Tuesday
    Purple Line (does not stop in Uptown) 12/18 - Wednesday
    Red Line 12/19 - Thursday
    Purple Line (does not stop in Uptown) 12/20 - Friday
    Red Line & Purple Line
    (photo opportunities with Santa
     somewhere along the route)
    12/21 - Saturday


    1. I've never gotten to be on the Holiday train, but did have it zip past me one time at Wilson. Can someone share how this usually works? I read that there will be a special icon on the train tracker, but does it stop at the stations just enough for you to get on and then it leaves the station? I'm just not sure how the Holiday train functions.

    2. Yep Brianbobcat thats how it works. There is a photo op this coming Saturday though at the Howard L Stop. Not sure how long it stays then.
