Police are investigating whether the shooting took place on the platform or on the train. Blood was found inside the train car. CTA is looking for video evidence inside the train and on the platform, and the car was taken out of service and is being searched for evidence as well.
ABC7 and the Sun-Times have the story.
Original post at 3:14AM:
No one wrote in about hearing shots (and the way this is written, it could have happened elsewhere), but the Tribune has this story:
Police said a man was found shot about 2:20 a.m. in the Uptown neighborhood. Police found him at the Lawrence Avenue Red Line station but it's not clear where he was shot. He was taken to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center.Makes us wonder if he was a victim in another neighborhood and managed to make it to the train? Was the man conscious when he was "found"? We'll report any additional details if we hear them.
More on the shooting from chicago tribune:
ReplyDeletePolice ended up finding a crime scene on the train, which departed the Lawrence Avenue station and was eventually stopped in the CTA yard south of 95th Street, police said. Authorities found blood near the operator's station in the train.
Seems the crime happened ON the train and he may have exited to get help. The blood was NEAR the operator's door, so maybe the cameras caught the crime? But, remember the victim HAS to cooperate! Most of these chumps don't cooperate with the police.
This just in @ 2 am another shooting:
I hope the CTA cleaned the train car. Would suck to sit in that on the way to work.
ReplyDeleteIf it was one of the newer trains it was captured on cameras. They have excellent resolution and are positioned to see everything that happens on the Red Line.
ReplyDeleteSo it seems like he was either shot while on the train or just before boarding. No one heard any shots being fired,supposedly. He was able to ride on the train to the next stop somehow.