"We thought we’d never have to water again after all the rain we had this spring. But most of us are really dry again this fall.
Many plants put on tremendous growth this spring because of all the spring rain, and now they are under stress, trying to maintain all that new growth.
Many trees are desperately in need of deep watering if they are to survive.
Trees and shrubs need a deep watering down into the ground where the roots can soak it up. Rather
than standing there with a hose in your hand, watering the top two or
three inches of the ground, it helps to lay the hose on the ground and
let it trickle deeply into the ground. Move the hose around from plant
to plant at intervals. The length of interval will depend on how fast
the water is running.
The idea is to get all of the water to go down into the ground without having it run away from the plant.
we don’t get some really good rains this fall, make sure that your
trees and shrubs go into winter with some moisture in the ground. This
is especially true for evergreens."
UU Note: Need a tree planted in front of your home or business? Use this handy-dandy link to do just that!
FYI, even though the city is taking request for tree planting, most have been delayed or postponed due to budget cuts.