Sunday, July 7, 2013

Aster Playlot Makeover Design Unveiled

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Truman Square Neighbors' Facebook page has good news for a run-down playlot at 4639 Kenmore:
New Aster Playlot is looking more real! From Chase Park Advisory Committee's latest newsletter:
"CPAC is happy to present the final design for the Aster Playlot renovation, funded by the Chicago Plays! Playground Renovation Program! We are looking forward to breaking ground on the new playground at Aster, and hope that the renovated park will bring lots of enjoyment to the families who visit.
Once construction begins, we anticipate that it will take 4-6 weeks to complete, and the playground should be finished by the end of the summer."

1 comment:

  1. Nice. I hope they plan on redoing the landscaping in front of it aling the street as well
