Friday, June 28, 2013

Positive Loitering Tonight, 7pm-8pm

from the Uptown Chicago Commission:

Positive Loitering has resumed on Friday evenings in the 19th District.  Please join your neighbors for an hour this evening from 7-8 pm, at the southwest corner of Lawrence and Sheridan. Bring a friend, bring a neighbor, bring your dog!  The event is being sponsored by the Uptown Chicago Commission and all are welcome to attend. As always, the Police are aware of our efforts and encourage our efforts to take back our streets for law-abiding citizens.

Note:  Due to the Windy City Ribfest, there will be no Positive Loitering on July 5th.


  1. I think its a Wonderful idea because we can show the thugs whos thé boss around here not them we citizens need to take back our Streets amen god is so good but i can tell you this every Knee Shall bow and every tongue Shall confess their sins every young person shall find out who the lord is get with thé lord young people.

  2. Well this event is a waste of time. Time to bring in the National Guard into Uptown and Chicago. OUR LEADERSHIP IS USELESS SACKS OF CRAP!

  3. Why blame the leadership. Blame the gangbangers and their families.

    I suggest setting up a mandatory target practiceing gun range for gangbangers so they learn to shoot straight and hit their targets. This will cut down on all the innocents getting hurt and all the medical our taxes pay for when the gangbangers just get wounded.

  4. Gangbangers like to shoot each other in the rear end on purpose. It's not bad aim.
