Thursday, April 11, 2013

TCF And Cupcake Gallery Turn Arty

We think of it as the place we consumed too many delicious calories, but the former Cupcake Gallery is apparently now ... a pop-up art gallery.  And TCF Bank/Wilson Avenue Theater will have its turn in June, as well.  According to CS Magazine, that is:
"The city’s real estate and art worlds are colliding in Uptown, where developer Jay Michael of FLATS Chicago has turned over an empty storefront last occupied by a cupcake shop to artist and the Salon Series founder JC Steinbrunner. For the rest of 2013, the space will house Salon Series programming, which ranges from exhibits showcasing Chicago artists to a residency program by painter and neighborhood resident Jessie Mott. (Chicago artist Claire Ashley shows through April 20.)

Regular open houses are planned to let the public experience the pop-up project, and Salon Series art-discussion dinners like the ones Steinbrunner has hosted in various locations for the past three years are expected to bring in appreciators from around the city. “FLATS is being incredibly generous to let us use the space,” says Steinbrunner. “they don’t have an obligation to include the arts in their plans to change the neighborhood, but it’s refreshing that they’re considering the building’s function from a holistic perspective.”

Michael says part of FLATS’ mission is to enhance the cultural landscape of the North Side while breathing new life into old buildings. (the company will also host a three-day festival with Pivot Arts in its vacant TCF Bank building in June.) “Having the Salon Series in the space is almost like bringing a small local art museum into the community, and that’s great for everyone,” he says. 1319 W. Wilson Ave., 773.529.6880, thesalonseries.comKorey Huyler"

1 comment:

  1. We have really turned a corner in Uptown. I think that despite the violence, Uptown is going one way and fast... UP!
