Sunday, April 7, 2013

Potholepalooza Underway, Seeking Requests

Clarendon Avenue in Buena Park
If you've driven or biked around Uptown lately, you'll have noticed that it's like a video game, trying to dodge potholes without killing yourself or at the very least bending a tire rim.

Amazingly, in March, residents in the 46th Ward had requested repairs for only 68 potholes, with the 47th and 48th Wards only slightly ahead.  That's the fewest in the city.  (The 19th Ward, by comparison, had requested 993 pothole repairs.)

The City has asked residents to report as many potholes as they can this weekend, so that CDOT can go out and blitz repairs in the next week.  They've even come up with a cutesy name:  Potholepalloza.  According to the Trib:
The public can do so by using the city's web link at, texting "Chicago'' to 311311 with the location of potholes or using various 311 smartphone apps, including SeeClickFix and ChicagoWorks.   CDOT crews will be deployed starting Monday to fill potholes that are reported from Friday through Sunday, officials said.
So if you've got a particular stretch of street that's giving you headaches, or a pothole that's your particular nemesis (I'm looking at YOU, evil rut in front of 833 W Buena), let the City know and it should be fixed this week.

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