The Tribune had an article yesterday about the ongoing exhibit at the Peggy Notebaert featuring the photos of Jerry Goldner, who has taken so many wonderful photos in Uptown of the snowy owls and the peregrine falcons:
The museum recently unveiled "Owls of Illinois," an exhibit by wildlife photographer and owl aficionado Jerry Goldner, of Evanston.Thursdays are "Pay What You Can" day at the museum, so come on down and see the nature that's literally right in our own back yard. The exhibit runs through April.
All are in a setting that offers the opportunity to see art, and then experience it by walking outside.
Goldner's pictures are dramatic, large-scale images of owls he has seen in the Chicago area. They range from the snowy owl that drew crowds to the lakefront in 2011 and 2012 to the rare burrowing owl that Goldner has seen only once, when he took the picture that is in the exhibit.
The pictures are beautiful, but Goldner's aim is also to inform the public about owls. "People don't realize there are so many different species in Illinois," he said.
"Owls are the most elusive, the most difficult to photograph, the most sought after in the birding world, and the most beautiful to me," he said. "I just love their look."
Thank you!