Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fontana On The Move

We just love Fontana Grill & Wine Bar, so this is not making our day.

On its website is this notice:  "Our last business day on current location will be Feb 16, Saturday. Please check our website as new information on a new location will be updated shortly!"

We imagine that this has a lot to do with the fact that FLATS is completely rehabbing the building that Fontana is located in, at 1325 West Wilson, as its first Uptown project.

On UU's Facebook page, Fontana has added a comment saying:  "We are looking to stay close by... We will update our website soon!!! Stop by to see us before we go and we hope to see you all at our new location!"

We've got a lot of empty storefronts, Fontana, and you've got a big fan club here.  We'll be there to drink a toast to your time on Wilson Avenue, and hope to see you re-opening soon.  We'll be there when you do.


  1. It won't be too far away. I heard it will be re-opening in Andersonville.

  2. They are moving to Andersonville!

  3. But if its in Andersonville, it doesn't help Uptown!!

  4. This is crazy! What - another restaurant in Andersonville? What about Uptown? Buena Park? We need restaurants and would support them big time.

  5. They are hoping to sign a lease in old Kingfisher space in Andersonville and open ASAP.
