Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bike Corrals: Yea or Nay?

A reader thinks that the City's idea for "bike corrals," like the one above in the 5200 block of Clark Street, is a good idea.  Here's what Chicago's Bike Czar has to say:

Who wants an on-street bike corral?

The City of Chicago's Department of Transportation is introducing on-street bike parking corrals. On-street bike corrals are a low-cost way to provide parking for 10 or more bicycles in the same space typically occupied by a car. Currently, there are four bike corrals in Chicago, but there is a need for many more. There are many reasons why a business should get a bike corral installed, but the biggest benefit is economics. We keep hearing it in the news.

Bicyclists tend to visit their local shops more often and spend more per month with all that disposable income. Making a bicyclists visit as convenient and inviting as possible makes sense for good business.

Do you know of a business or building that would benefit from having a bike corral?

Please reply here or send any suggestion to me at

Also check out the bike corral website!


  1. I like them. Would love to have some in Rogers Park as well, I think its a great trend that will continue to gain momentum.

  2. These are great. I would love to see these in every neighborhood. Lincoln Square needs a few near the Davis Theater. If Uptown goes the Entertainment destination they want it would certainly make life easier for people to get in and out of the neighborhood. Right now the bike racks we have near Target and the green Mill area are always full forcing people to lock to street signs which is not the best idea as bikes can easily be stolen by loosening one of the bolts on the sign post.
