Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sheridan Road Resurfacing Begins

A reader writes in to say he woke up this morning to find Sheridan at Argyle under construction.  The top layer of pavement has been stripped between Lawrence and Winona, and according to Ald. Osterman's chief of staff, this is just the beginning.

"The Sheridan Road resurfacing project is scheduled to begin tomorrow, 10/10.

This project is from Lawrence Avenue to Foster Avenue.  Timeline is as follows:

1. The street will have the existing asphalt removed (milled).

2. Then there is concrete/flat work that takes a couple of weeks. This includes utility structure adjustments, curb repair, etc.

3. Asphalt paving with pavement markings follows and then any punch list items that need to be addressed.

Please spread the word that there will be parking restrictions on Sheridan and to watch for the "no parking" signs.

Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions."

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