Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Where Art Thou, N & H Cleaners?

Photo from Google Streetview
In late July, we posted about the N & H Cleaners closing. Located at 4101 N Broadway, they said that they would be open the last two Sundays of the month for customers to pick up their clothes, and after that, any remaining clothes would be left at nearby dry cleaners for pickup.

We heard from one customer who went to N & H recently to pick up business suits he had left there, and that was the first he'd heard of the closing. He went to a couple other dry cleaners in the area to find out if they had N & H's leftover inventory, and they didn't know what he was talking about.

The phone number for N & H has been disconnected.

Anyone still in touch with the people at N & H, or know what happened to the clothes they had left in the store? There must be a lot of people in this same boat, and clothes aren't cheap to replace. Any help or leads would be appreciated.


  1. Michael's is opening a mexican restaurant in the spot.

  2. I spoke to the owner before they closed (they did stay open with extra clothes for 2-3 weeks after they stopped taking clothes)

    They said that any leftover clothes were going to be sent to another dry cleaner in the area, but I didn't know which one.

    I think they lost their lease, although I have no information to back that up. All I know is that, one year ago on this site, it was stated that the person who owned the bldg wanted to create a restaurant there, so I"m sure they were kicked out.

    Moral of the story - don't leave your stuff at the dry cleaners for longer than a week.

  3. Check with the guys across the street at GNS. I think they own the building.

    Pretty sure the cleaners was evicted so that a new restaurant can go in there.

    The cleaners DID stay open on weekends for a few weeks after they stopped taking new orders...So most people did get their clothes.

    They said that they would give it to another cleaner but I don't know which one.

  4. Someone on UU's Facebook page said clothes were to be left at Princess Cleaners (Broadway and Gordon Terrace).
