"I attended a Property Tax Relief event last night at the Uptown Library, sponsored by various elected officials including State Rep. Sara Feigenholz and Ald. Cappleman.
About 35 people attended and it looked like everyone filed a complaint form to check their homes' assessed value for property tax purposes.
Below is a quick summary of the presentation last night and its key points. It's short notice but might be of interest to other Uptowners.
Cook County Board of Review Commissioner Michael Cabonargi gave an overview of his office and how it serves taxpayers. He said there is no reason for homeowners to pay more than their fair share of property taxes and his office helps review assessed values for this reason. Each person was able to submit a complaint form (basically an appeal or request to have their home's assessed value reviewed) at the event.
Complaints can also be filed online - until the deadline: Tuesday, September 18. http://www.cookcountyboardofreview.com/
Cook County Board of Review - what it IS:
- 3 elected commissioners that review COMPLAINTS filed by homeowners who feel their assessed value is too high. 2/3 need to agree to make changes.
- Office is SEPARATE and DISTINCT from Assessor's office so if a homeowner has appealed to Assessor's office, they can ALSO appeal here.
- Review process is now computerized and homeowner does NOT have to submit comps or any information UNLESS they wish to do so.
- Homeowners will be notified of board's decision. If assessments are changed, it will be sent directly to Assessor's office for adjustment (reflected on August tax bills).
- REDUCE ASSESSMENTS based on comparable data in area. With prices still fluctuating, it doesn't hurt to have them check your property's value.
- Correct ERRORS about your property, say for square footage or other information.
- Correct property CLASS (i.e. age, style or square footage of building or unit)
- Provide flood or file RELIEF
- Identify EXEMPTIONS for homeowners (i.e. Seniors, long-time residents, disabled, vets).
- If assessed value of a home is too LOW, they will NOT raise or increase the assessed value - so there is NO RISK or downside to filing a complaint.
- Reasons for submitting additional information might include unique circumstances such as a recent fire or flood in the building or differences between/among units within a condo building or on a block that may affect the assessed value of one or more units (say improvements have not been done to a unit).
- You can reach the Board of Review at: 312/603-5560 or http://www.cookcountyboardofreview.com/
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