Thursday, July 19, 2012

Street Resurfacing Next Week

Ald. Osterman announced quite a few streets in the 48th Ward will be getting resurfaced soon.  Below, we've posted the ones that are 
in Uptown.  Kind of a PITA while it's in progress, but very nice in the long run:

"In conjunction with the Chicago Department of Transportation, a number of streets in our ward will be resurfaced. Here is a list of the streets scheduled to be resurfaced starting in the next week. Please be aware that parking restrictions will go into effect on these streets once resurfacing begins.
  • McCutcheon Tr from Ainslie St to Margate Tr
  • Ainslie St from Marine Dr to McCutcheon Tr
  • Gunnison St from Marine Dr to Sheridan Rd
Please don't hesitate to contact my office with any questions at (773) 784-5277 or at"


  1. Very cool. Maybe the 46th Ward can learn to do the same thing, instead of letting people stumble upon the chewed up asphalt as it happens and discovering street closures around the corner AFTER the barricades are up.

  2. Bear...who peed in your corn flakes... every morning? If the world doesn't revolve around you, and your needs/part of Uptown, or an honest mistake is made, you pout like my 10 year old niece... relax bud, it is a lot better now than it was a year ago. I wish I was your boss so I could judge you so harshly too..

  3. Does anyone know, is this starting today? I saw lots of big trucks on Ainslie this morning.
