Thursday, June 28, 2012

Large, Thin Crust, Sausage, Hold The Robbery

There've been a series of robberies on pizza guys in the past month, including three on the 4700 block of Beacon and one on the 4500 block of Greenview.  If you see anything suspicious, as always, call 911. 

And if your regular pizza place asks you a few extra questions when you order, can you blame 'em?  Be sure to give your delivery person an extra buck or so for hazardous duty, and let's hope the cops find out who's doing this, very soon.  Read the whole story in the Tribune.


  1. I have realized that calling 911 if you see something suspicious is the right thing to do. We had some peeps sitting in a car in the alley at 4600 North Magnolia. Turns out they were trying to break into a garage and CPD stopped them. BE INVOLVED!!

  2. When are we going to come to our senses and stop letting these guys and cab drivers carry cash?

  3. when are we going to come to our senses and allow citizens the right to defend themselves? Hmmm, mindless, savage criminals armed to the teeth with anything they want to carry and citizens having to pick up a phone and dial 911 and wait for the police to arrive ALL BEFORE hopefully not being victimized and likely traumatized for life. Think I'll check the box that allows me to defend myself right here right now when it matters...

  4. One simple thing the pizza places can do to protect their drivers is to have them remove ANY AND ALL SIGNS OR ADVERTISEMENTS FROM THE CARS! I mean c'mon, we all see the pizza delivery cars with the signs on their roofs or in their windows for the pizza places, isn't it obvious that robbers see these as well and know that if they follow that car to a stop, they will find a delivery guy with some cash on him? Don't know how much value they have in advertising and its not like they're needed to avoid a ticket for double parking while making a delivery. Pizza places: have your drivers deliver in unmarked cars, for safety's sake. That won't stop the thugs who order a pizza to rob a guy, but it will cut way down on the opportunist thugs.

  5. I agree with Koocachoo, but it seems they are Independent Contractors. Maybe someone can give them a Square swipe so they can only take credit card.

  6. Another thing, don't have the pizza delivered to the apartment. Have the caller come to the door and get the pizza.

  7. I just think it's awful anyone would rob a delivery person. Tip them well!
