Thursday, February 9, 2012

BPN Litter Patrol Out This Saturday

If you want to join in making Buena Park look neater and cleaner, you can join your neighbors in the monthly "Litter Patrol" this Saturday, weather permitting.  Meet up at the former KFC at Broadway and Buena at 10am. "We'll start at the abandoned KFC parking lot at 10am and work until noon. Afterwards, for those who wish, we'll go to lunch for some good social time. Bring your own gloves; we will supply plastic bags, brooms and dust pans."


  1. Buena Park took a lot of tagging this week including my building which had "L D" sprayed onto the front gate. The local properties were quick to repaint but it's still discouraging.

  2. Better also bring some snow shovels!
