What is the 48th Ward Master Plan?
The 48th Ward Master Plan is a community planning process, spanning from February 2012 to December 2012. Its goals are to create a shared vision of what the 48th Ward will look like by the year 2020; to create a roadmap for how to reach that vision; and to engage as many 48th ward residents and stakeholders throughout the planning process as possible.
Who can get involved?
Everyone! The 48th Ward Master Plan will garner participation, input and ideas from as many Ward residents, business owners, property owners and stakeholders as possible. Any level of commitment is welcomed.
How do I get involved?
There are many ways to get involved in the 48th Ward master planning process.
1) Committees: The Master Plan will be guided by 11 topical committees (see list below), including possible additional sub-committees that stem from the process. Each committee will meet 5 times throughout the process. Committees will look at existing conditions as well as priorities and key recommendations moving forward. You may join as many committees as you like. Once you sign up for a committee, you will be contacted by the 48th ward staff liaison with a schedule of committee meetings. Click here to sign up for a committee.When will the Master Plan take place?
2) Community Visioning Meetings: As part of the planning process, Alderman Harry Osterman will host 3 community visioning meetings: one at the beginning, one in the middle, and one at the end of the process. Each of these will include participatory activities and discussions which will impact the planning process.
3) Online Community Conversations: During the planning process, there will be conversations hosted on OhSoWe.com and through social media. A schedule of these conversations will be posted at www.48thward.org/MasterPlan.
Committees will begin meeting in February 2012. The first public meeting will be held in March. The process will resume through December 2012.
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