Sunday, January 29, 2012

Got A Long Memory?

Seeking historians and/or collectors!   The Edgewater Historical Society is looking for help with its upcoming exhibit on "Crime In Edgewater."
We're looking for people who have recollections of events such as the Summerdale Police Scandal, the Susan Degnan murder, the Gus Amadeo ambush? Perhaps you remember Operation Whistlestop or you volunteered for a community safety program? We would like to hear from you. Do you have any old newspaper articles about these events or others that you would be willing to give us or lend us for this exhibit?  You may contact us at 773-506-4849 or by replying to
Since Edgewater used to be part of Uptown, until its secession in 1980, seems like some readers might be able to give 'em a hand.


  1. A strange choice of graphic ... ?

  2. Memory stick. "Stick in your memory?" (The graphics of brains grossed me out.)
