Friday, December 16, 2011

Beacon Street Gallery Board Member & Director Charged With Stealing $400K In Grant Money

Via Shia Kapos at Crain's Blogs: 
The Justice Department charged a director and board member of a Chicago art gallery that helps homeless children with stealing $400,000, but the two executives of Beacon Street Gallery and Performance Center counter that they're being targeted by disgruntled employees — one of whom is married to an FBI agent.

Gallery director Patricia Murphy and board member Susan Field were charged with seven counts of mail fraud, wire fraud and theft of federal funds. Continue Reading

1 comment:

  1. ... of course, due process and the like before these ladies are declared guilty of any wrong-doing; but, this makes one wonder how many programs are being torpedo'd by corruption and/or lack of qualified administration.

    I'm sure the answer to that would be rather upsetting considering who the real victims of such tend to be.

    Speaking of which - how's that forensic audit of the city coming along?
