Remember, Uptown has a lot of very vulnerable people who may not know or remember to keep out of the heat. Keep an eye out for them, and for your neighbors who might be housebound or infirm. If they (or you) are without air conditioning or electrical power, remember that there are cooling centers all around. Please take advantage of them! Call 311 if you or a neighbor need a ride.
North Area Center
4740 North Sheridan Rd.
312-744-2580 (Hours 9-5)
All senior centers, during regular business hours, including:
- Northeast Senior Center
2019 W Lawrence (312) 744-0784/(TTY) 744-0320
All libraries, during regular business hours, including:
- Bezazian Library, 1226 W Ainslie (Hours noon-8 Tu & Th; 10-6 Mo & We; 9-5 Fr-Sa)
- Uptown Library, 929 W Buena (Hours noon-8 Mo & We; 10-6 Tu & Th; 9-5 Fr-Sa)
All Park District Fieldhouses, during regular business hours, including:
- Clarendon Park, 4501 N Clarendon
- Margate Park, 4921 N Marine
Also remember that Uptown has a lot of restaurants who will be glad to cook for you and offer you a cool drink. This might also be a good time to think about an oatmeal shake at Tiztal, a virgin margarita at La Ciudad, or an ice cream sundae at Purple Cow. You've got your own favorites, we're sure...
Update: From Inspiration Corp.'s Facebook page: "Due to the extreme heat, Inspiration Cafe be open from 5:30 am - 8 pm today and tomorrow to offer our participants a safe place to keep cool." If you see any people on the street who look like they're not coping well, tell them to go to Wilson & Broadway to get out of the heat.
I love Inspiration Corp. Just wanted to get that out there.
ReplyDeleteThe water at Montrose Beach is closed due to high bacterial concentrations .