Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You Are Wrong, Sir!

Very faint purple signage
Poor Gelett Burgess. In 1895 he wrote:

I never saw a purple cow.
I never hope to see one.
But I can tell you anyhow
I'd rather see than be one.

Come on down to Uptown, sir, and you just may have to change that bit of doggerel.  Several readers told us that there's a very faint hand-written sign on the brown paper lining the windows of the former Kahawa House (838 West Montrose) that reads:

Coming Soon
The Purple Cow
Ice Cream Cafe

We have high hopes for any retail on that stretch of Uptown, and hope they can open in time for warm weather and beach season.  Seems like the foot traffic to and from Montrose Harbor would be most excellent for an ice cream parlor. 


  1. So, right across from my building. So much for staying skinny!

  2. OMG. I remember going there as a kid. I loved it!

  3. There used to be a convenience store in my neighborhood named Purple Cow. They even had a purple cow statue on the corner of the street. I shall visit this place in hopes to see a purple cow while I enjoy some ice cream.

  4. Wait, is this related to the Purple Cow Ice Cream place that used to be in Beverly? Wow!
