Sunday, March 6, 2011

Loyola Honors Retiring Aldermen

From Ald. Mary Ann Smith's latest newsletter:

The four female aldermen who are retiring this year, Mary Ann Smith, Ginger Rugai, Vi Daley and Helen Shiller, will be honored by Loyola University's Gannon Center for Women & Leadership on Thursday, March 24 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mundelein Auditorium, 1032 W. Sheridan. The evening, titled "All Politics is Local: Public Service for the Common Good" is part of The Ann F. Baum Women and Leadership Speaker Series. All are welcome to attend the evening, but reservations are requested.


  1. Apparently so. As an alumnus, I expect more from LUC.

  2. This feels more like a "participation award" for Helen rather than any kind of "honor"
