Saturday, February 5, 2011

Where To Spend Super Sunday?

So tomorrow is The Big Game.  Where will you spend it?
  • Pre-game:  The League of Women Voters is sponsoring an aldermanic forum at The Peoples Church, 941 W Lawrence, 2-4pm.  We presume everyone will play by their rules this time.
  • The Spot (4437 N Broadway) opens at 11am.  Reservations are suggested (773-728-8934).
  • Crew (4804 N Broadway) also opens at 11am.  Specials on pitchers and double Bloody Marys.  Crew suggests you get there before kick-off to participate in its free raffle.
  • [New]:  Potluck party at Driftwood (1021 W Montrose).
  • [New]:  Fat Cat has $1 brats, "Primanti Brothers" style sandwich specials, and PA and WI beer specials.  (4840 N Broadway)
  • [New]:  Uptown Lounge has drink specials, raffles and giveaways, and a free halftime buffet (1136 W Lawrence)
  • [New]: Bar on Buena (910 W. Buena) has its fans, but we couldn't find any of its specials online.
  • Any other places in Uptown doing anything special?  Put it in the comments and we'll add it to the list.


  1. Don't forget Driftwood! It is a pot luck party!

  2. If the League of Women Voters doesn't want candidates recording and rebroadcasting debates, perhaps they could record it and rebroadcast it via the intertubes for us? That way everyone who has to miss the debate to root against The Packers can watch it later.

  3. P.S. Bar on Buena has a huge screen and lots of great beers.

  4. The Uptown Lounge on Lawrence is a surprisingly chill spot to watch da game.

    Cool staff, great prices, good screens, great crowd, not too crowded.

    Drink Local!

  5. Pre-game: The League of Women Voters is sponsoring an aldermanic forum...

    What time would that be starting?

  6. 2pm -- it's in the calendar on the right hand side of the page.
