Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fox News Chicago To Do Uptown Report

We're hearing that Fox Chicago News (Channel 32) may be airing a report on the continuing violence in our community this evening on the 9pm news. Steve Chamraz has contacted us and has been conducting interviews. We'll be tuning in.


  1. FOX might want to do a live report from Sheridan & Lawrence... there is a CPD command truck, three ambulances, fire trucks and half a dozen cop cars. No idea what is going on though.., anyone have any info?

  2. I was just wondering the same thing. I thought
    there was some huge fire or somthing...

  3. I'm wondering the same, I've watched about 5 firetrucks go north of me and just saw an ambulance going south.

  4. Good Job Steve. Thank you for taking interest in Uptown.
