Thursday, December 9, 2010

46th Ward Candidate Petitions Online

The Welles Park Bulldog is uploading and FOIAing its heart out this campaign season.  You can see the candidates' filing papers and petitions.  As the Bulldog puts it:
"The Bulldog has started to upload PDF copies of the 46th Ward petitions. As they become available, you can examine them, just like the big boys downtown. What are they looking at? Read a primer from Chicago Public Radio on how to kick your opponent off the ballot."
In other aldermanic election news, petition challenges are taking place this and next week, downtown.
  • In the 46th Ward, petitions challenges have been filed against Caitlin McIntyre and Janice V. Thomas (by Rachel Roberson Agustin), Molly Phelan (by Terrence Patrick Fowler, who defaulted, with a decision pending), and Scott Baskin, Michael Carroll, Caitlin McIntyre, Molly Phelan and Janice Thomas (by Bernard Noven).
  • In the 47th Ward, petition challenges have been filed against Tom Jacks and Matt Reichel (by John Tuttle), Tom Jacks and Tom O'Donnell (by Alice Coffey), and Tom Jacks (by Tom O'Donnell).
  • In the 48th Ward, there were no aldermanic petition challenges filed.  There will be five candidates on the ballot.


  1. If u wanna see the objections filed against some 46th Ward candidates look at this link.

    It makes for some boring reading.

  2. Nowatney, if anyone had any doubt, is obviously Shillers pick... start looking at the addresses of his signatories.... Hi Don! We see you!

  3. Are these petitions supposed to be illegible? I just pulled up Andy Lam's petition and could barely read it.

    Although, take a look at Part I, page 4, signature 5.

  4. Thanks, take a look at the signature right below it - Looks like a "June Reed" with the same address as the signature above. (Again, looks similar, but can't tell for sure)

    Per Blockshopper, there isn't a June Reed that lives at that address. Of course, she could be a renter, but justsayin'

  5. CTA: Unfortunately, there are issues of bandwidth, but also, these are copies of copies of copies. They have deteriorated by the time you see them.

    I'd appreciate technical advice on dealing with this as this is our first massive upload of docs.

    IrishPirate, would it help for me to add the link to objections? Of course. I'll get to it as soon as I can. Duh!

  6. Oh, and UU, that sort of looks like me in the pix. LOL

  7. Looks like a "June Reed" with the same address as the signature above.

    CTA -- Helen and Sam Toia bought a three-flat. Helen presumably lives in one unit, rumor has it Brendan and/or his family lives in another, and various others have lived in the third unit. So June Reed could be a renter, could be a friend.

  8. I actually verified the voters at the address, and I stand corrected, June Reed is registered at that address.

    Carry on.

  9. Interesting that the person who exclusively filed challenges against female candidates (McIntyre and Thomas) lives right across the street from Molly Phelan's campaign manager.

  10. TSN,

    the person who filed those challenges also went to the same high school as Molly.

    If I had been a Phelanite I woulda challenged them too. Dat's how the game is played.

    I'm interested in who Bernard Noven, who objected to 5 candidates, may be supporting. I'm guessing magical ponytail guy, but I could be wrong.

  11. Since each challenge costs around $2000-$5000 to file, Bernard Noven is either a rich guy with a big interest in politics, or someone with very deep pockets ($10,000 to $25,000) is funding him.

    Wonder if we'll ever know?

  12. Someone told me that Bernard Noven is a close friend of Stewart

  13. At least that's what I've heard through the grapevine

  14. More than an idle rumor, Bernard Noven makes an appearance in the Citizens for Stewart campaign video. Check him out at the 1.22 mark.

    I would also like to know who is funding his part in the petition process.
