Saturday, November 27, 2010

Gunshots On 4600 Block of Winthrop

Quite a few readers are reporting between 6 and 10 shots fired on the 4600 block of Winthrop around 1:30 Saturday morning. 

The concert at the Aragon had just let out, and several readers reported loud groups of Latino youths yelling and congregating in the parking lot of House of Prayer shortly before the shots were heard, although it's not known if these two incidents were related.  Police were on the scene very shortly.

Damn, we're so sick of this.

Update:  A reader says, "I walked down my street today to see if I could see where the shots were fired.  There was a ton of dark tinted car window glass all over the sidewalk in front of the parking lot at House of Prayer (east of Iyanze).  The CleanSlate guy I was talking to said it means that the shots came from inside someone's car, so it must have been a drive-by.  Still pretty freaked out about my 10-shot wake-up call."


  1. I heard several shots as well, looked outside, didn't see anything but one car that didn't look to be in a hurry, if you get my drift...

  2. That teeny tiny litte south stretch of winthrop is so cute.
    Except for the low income housing there, it looks like army barracks or a prison. Someone has made an effort with a garden there.

    There is also low income housing on kenmore and etc, etc,
    TOO MUCH low income housing right there.

    What I hope for the area in general is that the property right next to the Horrible Wilson Mcdonalds gets developed into something decent!
    Also the Lot where El pollo Loco will hopefully be developed into something decent.

    Yeah, it goes to show you that public litter and public toleration of litter goes hand in hand with crime. High correlation for sure.

  3. Nobody wants to admit it but the biggest mistake all these Cities made in the last decade or two was to tear down the projects.

    All they did was move and spread out the violence to once nice neighborhoods.

  4. yeah A
    that certainly seems to be what happened with Uptown,
    It was always a bit seedy,
    but nothing like it is now,

    A strange mix of yuppies, normal people, bangers and so on.

    Its like the shiller went out of her way to import all the problems of the torn down projects into her hood.

  5. After parking our car and walking down the ally behind Kinetic, near Clifton, we heard 2 shots fired. There was a man standing in the ally with his arms up in a protective manor, as if not wanting to get shot.

    This was very scary and directly behind the venue, kinetic, where we were going to see a show.

    REALLY praying that I will not have to witness anything like this again. That venue offers free parking in that lot and we had just tried to park there but, the lot was full (thank god).

    Hope this event was noticed and more lights, police, security, and awareness is gained to protect the many naive/young concert goers that come to that area every weekend.
    Stay safe Chicago!
