Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Free Holiday Wreath Program For Uptown Businesses

 From Uptown Business Partners:
"The holiday season is near and its time to brighten Uptown's commercial corridors.  Uptown businesses located in the SSA#34 district can participate by hanging a Season's Greetings Wreath on the door or window of your business.  Each wreath will be hand decorated by individuals from Uptown schools, senior centers, churches, block clubs, and other organizations.  There is no fee for the wreaths."

Order Form & Eligibility Information Here

1 comment:

  1. Maybe some lightpole holiday decorations a la small-town downtowns are something to think about, BUT, uptowndads, I think that the point of wreaths decorated by schoolkids and senior citizens hanging in or on businesses is about the schoolkids and senior citizens being part of the community. The results aren't always "artistic", but since when has THAT been an issue in schools or on home refrigerators to proud parents?!? And I recall "school art" being displayed in downtown business windows in my little hometown, too. There is room for all.
