Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Car Ride To Nowhere

A reader sends in the following video from Leland & Sheridan:
"I wonder what these two are doing? Don't drug dealers usually drive nicer cars?
This happened in front of my building 45 seconds after police left after checking out another complaint. At Leland and Sheridan we're 2 blocks from a school, as most know."


  1. Nice and I wonder if you could get a zoom on the plate ID as he drove off. The cops might be interested.

  2. I always wondered why the FOX show "Cops" has never filmed here in Chicago.
    SO much raw material in Uptown.

  3. Hello--When you put every move on a site that we see,you think they do not have a spoter for that?They change their moves.It is a dam shame we have to put up with this.With our luck if we fought them off,we would go to jail because they are minors(PUNKS).

  4. I wish someone could tell me why the police do not just have undercover cops here all the time.. on the street and not in their unmarked cars that even us evil condo owners recognize form a block away... this corner is an obvious hot spot because of those stupid blue lights at the corners of sheridan and lawrence and sheridan and wilson...they funneled all the criminal - and school gang - activity to this corner... why are the police not doing more here? It has been going on for YEARS...

  5. I do think it would be advisable to start a website with the information of the people buying/selling drugs here in Uptown. We may not be able to shame the dealers, but we can certainly shame the buyers.

    For instance, imagine if this car's description and plate number were available for all to see as a known drug buyer. That might convince them not to come back to Uptown.

  6. Great Video. Maybe try reaching out to the DEA. I am sure they would give a crack at making a difference in the area. My guess is that 23rd district like most police districts in the city are under staffed. (Thus the Police Protest at Headquarters yesterday) Looks like this occured during the day/early afternoon. My guess is that's the time the streets are least staffed with police as more crime and activity happens at night. I will see if I can find the info on the DEA in Chicago and post the number. Maybe the person that taped this would be happy to share what they filmed.

  7. Here is the link for Chicago Division of the DEA. They have a link for tips. It looks like the person who filmed this can send the info directly to DEA.

  8. I totaly agree with you SuperHero.
    Undercover would sure help with these problems.Stark Mad-they probaly have not filmed here because no other city would put up with this and Cops is not suppose to be a fictional show lol.IT IS UNREAL here.

  9. It's urban legend/pop culture that makes you think drug dealers drive nice cars. Shoot, most drug dealers still live at home!

  10. Isn't this what alleys (or private living spaces) are for? How dumb do you have to be to make this transaction "out in the open?"

    Then again,as the saying goes, "That's why they call it dope."

  11. I don't get it. All I saw was someone getting in a car and getting out.

  12. Someone getting into and getting out of a car is an obvious drug interaction. That is high profile considering what goes on every day on Wilson x Broadway. Dealers sit on corner handing out cigarettes which are, of course packed with crack. The cops haven't done anything about this in a year. The dealer's lookout stands on the west side of Broadway. It happens all day long, people. Oh, and I know you are tempted to inquire if I call the cops. Yes, and you can guess how interested they are.

  13. This happens every day on streets all over Uptown, not just on this corner. Why not stop trying to be Francis Ford Coppala and filming it and instead be a good citizen and get the license plate and call 911 with the description of the car?
