Saturday, August 7, 2010

Uptown Friday Night

We heard from Timmy of the Avondale Logan Square Crime Blotter last night:

I was eating dinner at the time, but I figured that I would listen in on the 23rd District, Zone 2, to see how the afternoon was going for the good folks of Uptown. So, anyway, I monitored Uptown from 6:51 to 7:13pm. Of course, if your readers have any questions for the terms I use, or if they would like to leave me a line, they can email me at So, without further hesitation, here's the 911 calls that I recorded for Uptown in the time that I monitored:


6:53pm - 1) Disturbance. 906 W Windsor. Four to five men in front, drinking. 2) Narcotics. Somewhere in the 10 sector.

6:55pm - Disturbance. 4081 N Broadway. Male out in front, bothering customers.

6:58pm - The Windsor call's been upgraded, to a gang disturbance. They're flashing signs now.

7:08pm - And again, the call on Windsor has been upgraded more. Now there are 10 men in front, smoking marijuana.

7:13pm - I'm done listening to the 23rd District, Zone 2 for now. Good night, Uptowners.


Hope you guys have a great evening, and stay safe!


  1. Okay... here's what I mean to say!

    I visit Timmy's blog frequently. He's like a machine when it comes to logging crime in his neighborhood. His dedication is infectious!

    By the way, do any of you have more info on the shots fired at 7-Eleven, last night?

    *I don't drink. So, I have no idea why I butchered my comments!* :-)

  2. Timothy F: Which 7-11 are you referring to?

    Just curious.

  3. UU posted this police scanner link on FB the other day:

    Does anyone know if this the whole city, or is it localized to what Timmy calls "23rd District, Zone 2"? And, if the former, is there a web link to the latter?

    Regardless, a very interesting listen (in fact, just turned it on to hear about a call for police at Magnolia and Wilson. Great.)

  4. @Timothy Fitz
    I heard 4 closely spaced gun shots at 11:07 pm from the 1300 block of montrose. Must've been 7-11 at clark and montrose. i called 911 and didn't hear sirens until 11:21 - not great response. saw a white ribbed "wife beater" tank top in the grass at beacon and montrose early this morning. dunno if it was related but fits the bill.

  5. Brad - I heard the same...a black Mercedes sedan came down the alley between Magnolia and Malden and the passenger in the front seat fired four shots in the air before making a left onto Montrose.

  6. El, Zone 2 is not online. I own a store-brought police scanner and listen that way.

  7. By the way, the link for RadioReference is for the whole city.

  8. I have a police scanner but do know the frequency for the 23rd district. Can someone share please?

  9. 460.050

    According to:
