Friday, July 23, 2010

Stay Cool (And Check On Your Neighbors, Too)

In this intensely hot weather (the heat index may reach 105 degrees today), keep your neighbors in mind who might be housebound or infirm. If they (or you) are without air conditioning or electrical power, remember that there are cooling centers all around. Please take advantage of them! Call 311 if you or a neighbor need a ride. Over the weekend, police stations and other public facilities will serve as cooling centers as well.

North Area Center
4740 North Sheridan Rd.
312-744-2580 (Hours 9-5)

All senior centers, during regular business hours, including:
- Northeast Senior Center
2019 W Lawrence (312) 744-0784/(TTY) 744-0320

All libraries, during regular business hours, including:
- Bezazian Library, 1226 W Ainslie (Hours 9-8 Mon-Thur; 9-5 Fri-Sat)
- Uptown Library, 929 W Buena (Hours 9-8 Mon-Thur; 9-5 Fri-Sat)

All Park District Fieldhouses, during regular business hours, including:
- Clarendon Park, 4501 N Clarendon
- Margate Park, 4921 N Marine


  1. I can't imagine how hot apartments above ground level without air conditioning must be right now. We're in a garden apartment, so that keeps us insulated from the heat somewhat. Even so it's 28C (83F or so?) in here. Down a bit from earlier today! The temperature hasn't dropped enough at night to open the windows and cool the place. Not for a couple of WEEKS! And the LOW today was 26C, so that's useless. If I start making even less sense than usual, someone check on me?

  2. The Target is nicely air conditioned if you wanted to take advantage of your tax contribution :)

  3. I just got out of my roof pool and I think I lost 10 LBS. in 30 min. from all the sweating I did. The air and breeze up here feels great and the water is nice and warm. The sun is a real killer. It will boil your blood. Take care if you have health problems. It would be wise to stay in and keep cool and drink lots of water.
