Friday, July 30, 2010

Positive Loitering Tonight, 7-8 PM Sheridan & Leland

Please join your neighbors for another evening of Positive Loitering 7-8 PM at the corner of Leland & Sheridan. The event is sponsored by the Uptown Chicago Commission and all are invited to attend. Puppy treats have been generously donated by our friends at Soggy Paws.

Bring a friend, bring a dog, bring a friends dog! Come out and enjoy the beautiful summer weather.


  1. This sounds like a better use of my time than martyring a criminal.

  2. wish there was a contact number for late comers. My neighbors and I would have loved to join in after the vigil but didn't know where to go.

  3. I went to the vigil this evening. It was very difficult to stand next to Aarons little brother while he hung his head down low and stared at the posters and candles lit for his dead brother.. I couldn't help but cry and console him.

    Criminal or not. A lot of people are affected by the war going on here. You can help. Attend meetings, talk to your neighbors. Listen to the kids around you. Try to make a difference.

    Stop talking and start doing.
