Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Maryville Development On Hold

A reader sends in this news:
"Looks like the Sedgwick plan for Maryville is down the toilet thanks to the amazing work initiated by Janis Tiffin and her husband David Hemmings who gave residents the real facts on this massive development. Janis used her architect’s background to dig up the real plans for this monster-sized development that was completely out-of-scale for our neighborhood, hosted a standing-room-only community meeting, while David created a grassroots website to inform neighbors.

Unfortunately the Maryville TIF was pushed through, even though there was tons of misinformation and lacking detail. It will take a new alderman who really cares about the community to disband this TIF and put the money back into our parks, schools and infrastructure."

UU Note: See Ald. Shiller's letter to CPNA President John Wyman on the right.


  1. *blink*

    "an very..."?


  2. I only worry the door has been opened for Shiller to take a blank canvas and fill it with overpriced garbage on the taxpayer's dime...

  3. You can bet your next tax bill that if Shiller has the opportunity to serve another term, Maryville will surely end up low income housing.

    The only reason she made this is a TIF is so that she could use tax dollars to build more of it.

  4. Congrats to David and Janis and others who plow through the bureaucracy and get results. This stuff makes my head spin, so I'm glad there are folks in our community who can make sense of it all.

  5. Many never thought the plan was going to go through but EVERYONE knew the TIF would. So as some have said, now she has all this money and if her track record shows us anything, it is that she will not be asking us what to do with it.

  6. Big thanks to David and Janis for their research and hard work on this. Way to look out for the community. I hope you continue to keep a close eye on this. We all know Helen will try to sneak something by before February rolls around.

  7. Please, please tell me this won't end up as another no-income monstrosity.

    Can anyone seriously think of a more out of touch 'civic leader'?

  8. The place is already looking condemned. How many years will this eyesore sit and fall apart.

  9. If there has to be a TIF there, at least the development isn't beginning right away, causing it to cost significantly more because of the necessary financing from paying upfront before tax revenues are collected.

    Silver lining?

  10. Speaking of transparency (and possibly lack thereof)... why is the letter cancelling Maryville development dated June 15th and we're just hearing about it on July 14th? Who was holding onto the information for a month? Ald. Shiller or John Wyman? Pretty skeevy.
