Lake Effect News
Buena Park resident and attorney Molly Phelan announced her campaign kickoff for 46th Ward alderman on Thursday, becoming the fifth challenger to enter the race.
Phelan is hosting a free event for residents on July 14 – Bastille Day – starting at 7:30 p.m. at Nick’s Uptown at 4015 N. Sheridan Road. A cash bar is included and all residents are invited to attend.
“It will be the start of another successful revolution, one which will bring Liberty, Equality and Community to the people of the 46th Ward,” Phelan noted of the date in her press release. Continue Reading
ReplyDeletetrying to play off my famous "vive la resistance" line from the 2007 race.
I shoulda trademarked the concept.
Oh well 235 days to round one of the 2011 Uptown POLympics.
May the best resister win.
I'm sorry Molly, but your joining an already crowded race is a bad move for 46th ward politics, and for our chance for change in February. Your candadacy is going to split the vote, making a majority win nearly impossible.
ReplyDeleteEven more importantly, do you honestly think that the City Council and the Mayor will allow you to get ANYTHING accomplished in Uptown after you lead the charge (or were at least the public face) for TIF reform and against Wilson Yard?? You may have good intentions for effecting change, but you will almost certainly be blocked from allowing any kind of much needed progress.
I was a supporter of and a donor to the FWY cause. If you truly want to be a voice for positive change in the ward and in the city as a whole, stick to leading that movement... through other channels. If you think that through an aldermanic position you'll be able to "fix the system," then I don't think you've figured out city politics quite yet.
In my humble opinion, if Shiller does decide to run for another term, you just made it a lot easier for her to win.
I'm not sure which vote Michael thinks she is going to split. We need people in public office who are candid about what they stand for even if it goes against the Status Quo. I'm also not convinced that Phelan's open criticism of the TIF program would permanently handicap her in City Council. It may present some challenges but I don't think the Mayor could afford to completely freeze her out. Perhaps her opposition to Wilson Yards would shine more public light on the problems with TIFs.
ReplyDelete1st As another commenter guessed I am supporting Officer Carroll. I have a pregnant wife and I would like her and our child to feel safe in the neighborhood. His experience may help in getting better police services. I met Michael at his Uptown fundraiser and was impressed. I was not impressed that his two latest fundraisers have been well outside our ward boundaries. The optics are bad.
ReplyDelete2nd If Officer Carroll does not make the runoff or looks like he will not make the runoff then I will cast my vote for Mr Cappleman.
3rd Mr Nowatny is clearly a machine candidate. Under no circumstances will I vote for him.
4th Ms Phelan says she has lived in the ward since 2005. I never heard of her until 2008 so I suggest her opponents check the voting records and property tax records to see what they contain. President Reagan famously said 'Trust but Verify'. I would also check the Berwyn records to see if she ever voted there.
The state campaign donation records show her with a Berwyn address more recently than 2005.
ReplyDeleteI do not believe she is the independent she is portraying herself to be. I explained my position on her being the coordinator for Terrence O'Brien for county board President in earlier posts.
I am glad she basically admitted in the LEN article that she was considering running for Alderman for awhile. My opinion is that her Johnny Come Lately entry into Uptown issues was mostly or purely based on her desire to hold elective office.
Her campaign treasurer is her brother, law partner, and former Berwyn alderman Michael Phelan.
I suggest you run a yahoo search for his name and 'Berwyn'.
Ms Phelan needs to cut him loose from her campaign quickly.
Here is just one of many incidents documented online regarding him.
ReplyDeleteI guess I do not completely understand your logic. You agree with basically everything Molly stands for yet you wouldnt vote for her because you're basically saying she wont be "well liked" by the city council and mayor? Dont you want someone to fight for what you want regardless if they are liked?? I mean anyone who gets elected and fights for TIF reform I guess by your logic wont be well liked and nothing will get accomplished...... so do you not want TIF reform??? I am by no means putting my support behind any candidate yet, but if you do want change, you need to vote someone in that will fight, which Molly has already proven she will.
Capstone - I agree I want someone who will fight for the residents of the 46th Ward – their quality of life – their safety – their interests. Molly will do that.
ReplyDeleteThere are millions of competing issues within this city. Unfortunately resources are limited now more than ever. Other wards have aldermen who understand what’s necessary in establishing strong communities and guaranteeing they flourish. These aldermen fight for the limited resources and thus the betterment of their community.
Our current Alderman has proven to fight for just her own benefit.
I believe what sets Molly apart from the other candidates is her record of fighting for what will make the 46th Ward a strong flourishing community.
ReplyDeleteYour reaction is typical of a Cappleman supporter. Arrogant and condescending and trying to control the room.. .not unlike, well, this is why I am supporting Molly.
And, last I checked, this is America, and anyone can run that wants to run. This is not the old USSR where only the powerful can decide who runs for what...a good reminder as we approach the 4th of July!
I also think you should perhaps look into Chicago election law prior to writing a long diatribe. A simple majority is NOT needed in the first round. As a matter of face, the more people that run, the more of their supporters they bring to the party...the MORE likely it is that Shiller/Nowatney do NOT win on the first then goes to a run-off.. please, get educated before spouting off silly - and democratically dangerous - ideas and thoughts
Go Molly, Go!
Unfortunately I am with the others on this one. Molly, I was with you until the Terry O'brien endorsement.
ReplyDeletePeople are tired of the same old Chicago politics.
Hopefully when it comes time, you will endorse the candidate that is not tied to Shiller in any way and do whats best for Uptown.
@capstone...I am glad someone finally said what I have always thought. Cappleman and his supporters have always come off very condescending and overbearing. I am very glad that there will be a large number of candidates this time around. It will make for some real democracy and what will hopefully be both an entertaining and informative local campaign season. And, most importantly, I will have some actual options when I go into the voting booth.
ReplyDeleteI would bet Helen will step down and either Molly or Nowatny are appointed for complete her term.
ReplyDeleteThis is just Chicago Machine politics at its best.
Jump in the race and then be appointed by Daley.
It's a show folks. We all know Helen doesn't want Cappleman to win at all costs.
Yes SuperHero!... let's wave a flag, thumb our noses at "the old USSR" and enjoy some grand old fireworks this weekend. That'll make everything better in 46th ward.
ReplyDeleteClearly missing my point (or probably just ignoring it because you ran out of childish insults), I'll summarize:
If Phelan wins, she will be an ineffectual alderman. She won't be allowed to get anything done in city hall. Suing the city for TIF reform will not be overlooked.
This has nothing to do with candidates OR the supporters of James Cappleman, or Mike Carroll or even Helen Shiller for that matter.
I agree with Captain Quirk. Michael Carroll gets my vote. It will be nice to have a cpd officer as the head of our ward. Much needed. He knows what needs to be done and will get the resources to make it happen.
ReplyDeleteAnd also Michael, perhaps in your arrogance you failed to see my point..obviously if I believed Cappleman would be an effective Alderman, he would have my vote... this point, I only see his supporters trying to bully anyone that does not support him... we are living through that type of regime now... I really do not want to send someone that would only continue that attitude, albeit under a different name...
bullying? since when is voicing disagreement bullying?
ReplyDeleteSo what resources did Michael get when he was the CAPS beat facilitator? The job description you're referring to is that of a police commander, not alderman.
ReplyDeleteI don't want a social worker, tax attorney, broom sweeper, or cop. I want someone who will be a good alderman. That means it needs to be someone with a history of working with a diverse group of residents, someone who did it on their volunteer time, and someone who has a working relationship with other elected officials. I also want someone who can beat Helen because I don't trust what she says when she makes her announcement, whether she says she is or isn't running.
No matter who you are supporting, point is that there ARE too many contenders in the ring now. Exactly what people have been mentioning, it's going to be hard to send a message to the status quo by splitting up.
ReplyDeleteFirst, I do not believe Cappleman supporters are "condescending".
ReplyDeleteLet's examine the definition of the word:
" 1. To descend to the level of one considered inferior; lower oneself.
2. To deal with people in a patronizingly superior manner.
Ok, do you understand that Mister or Ms Superhero?
Do I need to explain it with smaller words for you?
Second, I agree with the criticism of Michael's comment. No majority equals runoff. That isn't a bad thing. Also Molly's FWY work will not stop her from dealing with "da mare" if he runs again.
Hell, Shiller was a pain in the ass(PITA) to the Mayor for years and now she's a reliable sycophant, which brings great joy to the dark places in Daley's tortured soul. Anyway I want someone who will stand up to the little guy and not pucker up and place a kiss on his fat diapered behind.
Let us examine the definition of the word sycophant.
a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.
That's our Helen. A fawning parasite lunching at the gaping wound that is the city budget.
Molly has every right to run. It was apparent to me the first time I googled her name after I heard about her work with FWY that she was likely running.
She fought hard with FWY and lost. Then she ran over to "be assimilated"* by the forces of da machine by supporting O'Brien.
So what is she a brave fighter for TIF reform or a careerist who will do whatever it takes to hold office? You decide boys and girls because if I offer an opinion the Phelanistas will say I'm C O N D E S C E N D I N G.
*To Assimilate Taken from the latter versions of the Star Wars series. A reference to "The Borg".
To which I can say in the words of the Irish like Commander O'Worf:
"Assimilate this".
Shiller must be drooling at all the division on UU today!
Molly IS NOT related to former Berwyn Alderman Michael Phelan. Her campaign treasurer and law partner is her cousin, who has never held political office.
ReplyDeletePhelan is a very common name in Chicago. As Capt Quirk recommends, information purported to be fact should be verified before posting.
ReplyDeleteUnity is overrated. Switzerland is unified and they brought us the Cuckoo clock. During the Renaissance, Italy was badly divided and brought us....well the Renaissance.
Whoever is the next aldercritter for da 46th Ward needs to work for it and earn it.
Cappleman and Phelan have both shown themselves capable of working their butts off on local issues. Time will tell if the other two members of the "Fab Four" also work hard.
IP, although I agree with you on so many things.. here you and I differ... first on facts.
ReplyDelete1. It was not Michael, but I , that mentioned the run-off. So, you are wrong.
2. I am a fairly educated person and completely understand that word condescending. Your need to define it is a great passive-aggressive way of showing that very attribute ;). And understanding that definition, I stand by my earlier opinion that I have found them to be condescending...
vive la différence
A, your prediction that "Helen will step down and either Molly or Nowatny are appointed for complete her term" is laughable as it relates to Molly.
ReplyDeleteMolly's work on Fix Wilson Yard has rendered her public enemy no. 1 in Shiller's eyes (or maybe no. 2 behind James). She would NEVER step down if Molly was to be her replacement.
I would place more stock in the idea that her replacement would be her aide Maggie Marystone or her son Brendan, though the fallout from the Stroger debacle might make a nepotism play untenable.
Hi everyone,
ReplyDeleteOne thing is undeniable - Shiller has failed this ward in every conceivable way. She has turned a blind eye to the crime and consistently refused to meet with various groups of residents, unless those residents unequivocally support her. Her only listed address is in Andersonville and barely inside our ward. Regardless of what non-Shiller candidate you support, it makes no sense to go overboard with criticisms of that particular candidate.
If Shiller decides not to run, then go for it. Until then, try to keep in mind the primary objective, which is getting new leadership.
To steal a line from today's Daily Southtown:
ReplyDeletethey should embrace the fight. Prove yourself to voters. Game on.
May the best candidate win.
As for Mike Phelan being Molly's brother or cuzzin I don't know.
I do know according to campaign donation records she had a Berwyn address at one time and shared the address with a Michael Phelan.
Now "Phelan" is a somewhat common Irish name. Is it common in Berwyn? That common?
The only other Phelan I'm aware of who held office was a James Phelan who was a State Legislator from da SW side. I believe he is now a cop if my memory is correct.
It may not be. I'm old and my drinking may have affected my memery and abilty to spell.
People see a vulnerable alderman so they are going to jump in the race. You need 50% of the vote plus one to win so it's a no brainer now that there will be a run off.
ReplyDeleteFor now, all these challengers are running against Shiller and the money they raise collectively gets split up among them. Helen has to like that, but I expect the worthwhile challengers have already been working hard to get a greater share of the pot. Money isn't the deciding factor, but it really helps.
I wonder who else will jump in?
ReplyDeleteI'm not passive aggressive.
I'm aggressive aggressive.
That was actually the informal diagnosis a PHD Psychologist gave of me when she was dating one of my friends.
Of course I told her she was kwazy kwazy so she may have been biased.
IP > LOL...that is why we love you... yet another AA club of which you are a member..
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of AA clubs - there is a new one opening in the 4100 block of Sheridan. You'll notice it by the "Rec Room" spray painted sign.
ReplyDeleteNothing against Molly - I actually give her credit for her FWY leadership - but come on, how is another candidate going to help things? So everyone decides who they are going to vote for - and it will be split between Cappelman, Don, Mike and now Molly - all the while giving Helen reason to announce she's running again - and she'll win? Why? Because everyone who hates her is going to back a number of different candidates while Shiller has her die hard voting block that will continue to vote for her and get her back in office.
ReplyDeleteWill Helen run? I think she will. She always keeps people guessing so why not wait to announce her candidacy until the last minute?
This is getting too crowded and I I fear we are going to have 4 more years of crap from Helen. Remember, she won several run-offs before.
miss kitty, do you understand that helen needs to win more than 50% to avoid a runoff? multiple other candidates splitting the vote is not a problem, and could actually help keep helen from winning the first round.
ReplyDeleteThanks Michael, but I think I'll vote for who I want.
ReplyDeleteI agree that multiple candidates can help. I just worry about multiple candidates splitting up the money needed to beat Helen.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if any of them has been able to raise some serious cash at this early part of the campaign season? No early money means no ability to mount a serious campaign.
I think this might be my first time jumping in here on UU. I've lived in my apartment for 5 years now and my husband and I have enjoyed getting to know the people really working to better this community while being blocked so often by Shiller. We go to CAPS meetings, positive loitering events, neighborhood bike rides and help with the kid events as often as possible.
ReplyDeleteI supported Cappleman in the last election not knowing a lot about the man, but eager to get Shiller out and someone else in. Since then I've had the opportunity to learn a lot more about James and his partner Richard and here's why I can now say I knowingly support him.
When violence occurs in our area, James and Richard are there leading the positive loitering events. When CAPS meetings are held, James and Richard are there, if not for all, for part, if not both, at least one of them in an effort to know what's going on. When community clean-ups are being held it's rare they're not involved. When the police hold an event for kids, they try to be there for that too. When someone is arrested for whatever act, Richard is there trying to reign in people to show up at court and advocate for the community along with him. When they're not doing those things, they're planting gardens in our community and doing everything in their power to make it a better place to live.
They could do this just around their own little nook of Uptown like so many of us do, but they don't, they try to be involved throughout the ward. And this is not done just in the last year as a ramp up to a campaign, they have been consistently there doing this work through the 5 years I've lived here (in an Uptown nook other than theirs).
What I like is that Cappleman's background in social services gives him a great understanding of what problems exist in the system that manages the less fortunate people in our community. From what I can tell, he genuinely cares about everyone in this ward and wants to see it be a safe, healthy one for all the residents. Remember a lot of the problem with Shiller is she thinks that if you're poor you should have to live with violence and drug dealing and that in turn affects all of us.
I can't say anything about the other candidates because I don't know them. In 5 years I can't tell you that I've met any of them. I'm sure perhaps I have from one event or another, and I'm happy for any and all involvement they put forth. But that says something to me as well - that I don't know them and wouldn't recognize them if I did see them on the street.
What I do know is that too many of us are guilty of only "doing something" when it directly impacts us. Think about all the people who showed up months ago at the Caps meeting and positive loitering event after the now infamous video taped "shenanigans" incident. But how many of those people showed up Tuesday (Wednesday?) after the shooting? We all play armchair Alderman in this ward, but James has been there, trying and is always open to conversations about what actions to take next.
I think to sum it up in a nutshell, James does for the community what I wish I had the energy, drive and ability to do.
It's 5 in the AM and I'll post something before I drift off into an alcohol induced slumber.
ReplyDeleteMultiple candidates are not a bad thing. No one can get elected alderman if they don't receive at least 50 percent of the vote. Competition is good.
I don't think Shiller is running, but if she does I'll donate to her campaign just so I can have the joy of watching her lose.
Afterwards, I would buy her office desk and donate it to the Chicago History Museum. There it could be displayed next to the table where Lee signed the surrender to US Grant. By the way Grant and I share initials. He was Unconditional Surrender. I am Ultimately Sexy.
Finally, I make no claim that I ever intended to support Phelan in the first round of voting. I didn't and won't. That being said if I were running for alderman and had been the 46th Ward Coordinator for Terry O'Brien I could not support myself.
That is how serious I consider that move on her part. There can be plenty o' legitimate differences about who the best aldercritter would be.
There can be no legitimate debate about Terry O'Brien. Check out the newspaper editorials regarding his candidacy. Check out the stories of cronyism out of his office.
Phelan didn't cost herself my vote because she didn't have it. She has cost herself other votes and just as importantly has hardened the support for Cappleman or Carroll. What's the alternative?
Perhaps it's time for me to enter the race. US Pirate for Alderman. US Pirate for Mayor!!! I'll just have to run and get "da mare" to surrender unconditionally at his townhome on Indiana Avenue.
Here is a short preview from a WIPT Public TV Documentary about the coming election.
ReplyDeleteBon Apetit!
ReplyDeleteI suspect your 'US' stands for Undeniably Senile.
When listing Phelans,how can you forget fmr. County Board Prez Richard Phelan? (1990-1994) If his term wasn't memorable, at least his name was. Like many Richards of his era, he went by the nickname Dick.
Ease up on the bottle, IP. Your memory is phelan.
On a more serious note, I look forward to my first aldermanic election since moving to Uptown in 2008. I don't favor any candidate yet, but I think a crowded field of challengers would necessarily favor the incumbent.
In this instance, the incumbent has a proven record of doing what is necessary to win, and whether it's in the first ballot or on a runoff, Ald. Schiller will get the majority required, while the others are deadlocked.
In this instance, the incumbent has a proven record of doing what is necessary to win, and whether it's in the first ballot or on a runoff, Ald. Schiller will get the majority required, while the others are deadlocked. -ElBarto
ReplyDeleteTwo words: Dorothy Tillman
ReplyDeletenew name there, huh.
I guess now that Hitchens is dying you'll have more time to create identities and post here.
Just so the UU staff knows for future reference "barto" is better known by a four letter acronym he uses to post and get banned all over the internet.
It is sad that Molly is joining the race. We dont need sll these Canidates. It has been asked of Molly several times, where all the funds were and at that people donated for the lawsuit for Wilson Yards. She still hasnt given an answer!!! Is she using the funds for this campaign?
ReplyDeleteWe need to stand behind on and push to have her ousted!!!!!
In 1999, There were initially 7 candidates. 3 got booted off, leaving 3 challengers who actaully got MORE votes than Shiller, thus forcing a runoff.
ReplyDeleteSo more candidates might actually help, as each can raise some money that they other candidates wouldn't (such as relatives, co-workers, neighbors).
If you can prove to people in the middle that there is genuione concern about residents living in buildings like 4640, the Twin Towers, then you have a shot.
if the remaining challengers are united, there is a shot a beating Shiller.
If you condone extreme anti-Shiller behavior, you will tip it to Shiller.
If the challengers get off focus and attack each other (like in the 50th ward in 2007), you'll lose.
But really..why didn't this start in April 2007? The sentiment has been there for 20 years...but no real vision to bring in the middle!
I'd swear I was the one who broke that story.